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The theme of this collection is; teens are being deprived of the necessary skills needed in life by relying on the overwhelming presence of modern day technology. This theme interests me because my family loves to use the saying “back in my day”, this saying has always made me question whether their life was really any different from what I know to be true. In fact life used to be significantly different, they did not have cell phones and my grandmother used to tell me stories about sharing phone lines with their neighbors and they would know when to answer the phone just by the the unique ring of it. I find this fascinating how children are addicted to technology and that the older generations are not making more of an issue of it. My grandmother always tells me to not be watching the television when guests are over or my Mom and Dad have this rule where I cannot bring technology to the table. However school is constantly forcing children to use the internet like me right now, I am required to type all of my ideas down and spend hours researching, and typing using technology. Yet there has been questioning about how how it may affect a child or a teen but nothing has been done about this issue, this caused me to dig deeper into the question of whether technology deprives youth from gaining essential skills like sympathy, patience, ambition, and concentration.


For the visual genre there has been an animation created , the animation represents  the idea of the concerns that parents have based on what they may want for future generations. This animation was made with the use of prior knowledge from  multimedia class. The animation opens with parents surrounding someone standing at a podium at the town hall, these parents are rallying together to fight the battle of technology. The parents plead out with fear by exclaiming character traits about their child that they fear has been formed by the constant presence of technology in their life. The animation finishes by the leader at the podium stating a solution that could be a starting point to a brighter future. Creating an animation was the only possible way to express how one may visualize this exact issue.


Furthermore the fictional piece is represented by a poem that has been created based on personal feeling relating to the issue. It is explained in a creative way of how the author feels about the issue because she fears that teens are not gaining skills such as; ambition, patience, sympathy, determination, and social abilities. A poem was a different way to allow her feelings to flow and be entertaining to the audience.


In addition, the informational piece is done in a news article style. This was done because it was felt that this was an interesting way to explore the different viewpoints relating to the the use of technology. Researched was done on the perspective of people who believe technology is allowing youth to gain new and more precise skills like organization, and time management. Whereas the other perspective that was researched believed that there was a significant loss of skills like the ones previously shared.


There has also been a blog post created for the nonfiction genre in the collection. This was because it was a new style that the author felt that could display research and put it in text in an interesting way. She started the blog post by giving a general statistic and in the following paragraphs used statistics that was gained by having the English class take a survey. This followed into discussing the researched material of how teens can discover a healthy balance between technology and completing tasks in an older manner which could possibly allow them to gain essential skills.

The repetend in this collection is the deprivation of essential skills caused by the overuse and constant presence of technology. Throughout this collection the repentant is varied, to reword it differently in the pieces.

Dear Reader

Hillary Bernard

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