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Non Fictional

Hillary Bernard

Toronto Sun has reported that “Canadians spend an average of thirty-six hours browsing and visit approximately eighty websites in one months time”. ("Canadians spend the most time online: Study.") A large proportion of this statistic is including the teenage population. This is an unhealthy statistic because this demonstrates how significantly technology is conquering the majority of people's lives and depriving them of the essential skills that were once cherished.



Technology Poses a Conundrum

Wants Can Be Stressful

There has been a recent study of the English 521 class concerning their uses of technology. Seventy-three percent of people out of the class stated that the influence of technology is very much present in their lives, although eighty percent of of the class reported that their use of technology is beneficial and wanted compared to the twenty percent of people who said that technology is beneficial but not wanted. These statistics show that teens acknowledge the existence of technology throughout their life, but a majority of youth want technology to be involved in their everyday activities. Furthermore, this survey has shown a contradiction within the English class, this is because there is a majority of students that wants technology in their life however there is a shocking “forty-six point seven percent of the English class that finds the use of technology stressful”. This study shows that teens want technology in their life but also claim that it presents an element of stress in their life.



Discovering a Healthy Balance

Teenagers rely on technology too frequently, they depend on technology to complete simple math problems, keep record of events, remind themselves of upcoming activities, and help them communicate. Teens are becoming oblivious on how to live a life that includes a healthy balance between technology and completing tasks solely by using their mind. Moreover, phones and social media has reduced the amount of time that youth talk and discuss in a face to face situation; there are situations where teens rather text or call a person to engage in a difficult situation because of the level of emotions that would be present. Teens need to be taught that having conversations in front of people helps build personality and quality character traits like sympathy and empathy. Moreover, a better sense of patience is needed in today's youth population because the internet provides answers and loads pages

A final need for teenagers to become less attached to the world of technology would be to limit online school work. The overuse of the internet for school work can be viewed as the root of the problem because the students are required to use the internet for long periods of time and this could have developed their tendencies to over use technology. Essentially teenagers acquire lengthier hours on the internet than realistically needed, and this is becoming a problem but there are certain steps that can help lead youth into a healthier balanced life. To understand how the overuse of technology is harming teenagers.


Ensuring a Balanced Life is Accomplished

Here are ways some ways to aid in creating a balanced lifestyle between technology and doing tasks by hand:

  • As a family set boundaries involving cell phone usage, and social media usage.

Discuss and make sure everyone in the family has included their opinion while making the final contract or rules regarding technology usage.

  • Update the rules that were made above.

This will ensure everyone in the family is up to date and aware of any changes in opinion regarding the usages of technology

  • Have teenagers complete everyday tasks like doing math, or communication without technology once in awhile.

This will keep these essential skills fresh for when they are needed to complete a different task.

  • Include an “unplugged evening” every week or so.

This will allow teenagers to adjust to not being constantly attached to technology and the internet.


In essence, there work to be done in order to ensure that teenagers to do not become increasingly attached to technology in the future. It is important for people to understand the statistics of how many hours Canadians spend on the internet, and how it is affecting the lives of teenagers. Furthermore there are a few realistic ways that families can assist in creating a healthy balance involving technology, these realistic tips may allow teenagers to develop a healthy balance with their uses of technology. The fight between technology and completing tasks by hand is a battle that can be won by compromising, and giving a bit to gain a bit.

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